Doors are available in poplar (stain and paint grade), red oak, hard maple, soft maple (stain and paint grade), cherry, hickory, alder, and walnut. Other species are available on request.
All cabinet doors are made according to customers' specifications of size and profiles.
In most cases, door orders can be completed within 10 working days.
Paint grade doors are typically poplar or soft maple and can be made with solid wood or MDF panels.
When ordering cabinet doors, specify: door style, frame profile #, panel profile #, edge profile #, size (width x height).
European hinges and hinge boring available on request.
Frame Profiles
2 1/4" wide frame rails as shown are standard. Frame rail width can be adjusted according to customer specs.
25/32" thick frame rails as shown are standard. Other thicknesses are available on request.
Mitered Frame Profiles
1 3/4" and 1 1/4" wide rails can be used for mitered drawer fronts with the corresponding wider rails on mitered doors. (Example: mitered drawer fronts SWD 841 used with mitered doors SWD 840)
Applied Moulding Profiles
3168 and 3173 applied mouldings can be ordered with customers choice of frame profile and panel profile.
When ordering applied moulding doors, specify: applied moulding #, frame profile #, panel profile #, edge profile #, & door size (width x height)
Applied moulding numbers correspond with SWD trim profile numbers. For more profiles, see SWD Trim Catalog Section 3.
Panel Profiles
Outside Edge Profiles
7890 Amish Pike, Plain City, OH 43064 (614) 873-3506